As was noted in the Broadcasting article, KKOG-TV tried to make a go of it by charging advertising rates comparable to the local radio stations in Ventura and Oxnard. Rather than discuss those rates, here is the only formal rate card ever issued:

Given the costs of operating a UHF transmitter with its energy-inefficient klystron tubes and equally tube-intensive control room and studio equipment, not to mention lighting studios which were in operation for at least seven hours every day, it would have taken a lot of $262.50 packages of ten 30-second spots a week to stay afloat. Certainly, more than were sold.
And about six weeks into the grand experiment which was KKOG-TV, its primary investor Robert Bunzel (news director Dan Bunzel's father) pulled out. When the news spread to the staff, they abandoned the sinking ship faster than the proverbial rats. But Julian Myers' dream didn't die on that day.
On the next page: Channel 16 goes into “survival mode”.